



A Bit

About Us














About Sax.












Bits and




Sally Sax Shop







I  have been making electric etc. for over five years. They have proved to be very popular with all sorts of people (folk musicians, pop/rock musicians, people who need to practise where they shouldn't) for a variety of reasons (cheapness, reliability, appearance and virtual indestructability).

I am presently in the process of completely overhauling my flat ("apartment" for  anyone who wasn't born in Britain) and my workshop has disappeared under a mountain of miscellaneous possessions (where does it all come from?). If the building work ever stops (and I have a new, improved workshop) I will start making fiddles in earnest again. In the meantime, here are a couple of 'photos of some of the instruments I make...


If you REALLY want to know more before I get back to action properly, just drop a line to enquiries@sallysax.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Pete Manhire

Website designed and maintained by P.Manhire ----- All photographs and sound files Copyright © Salamander Saxophone Quartet, London 2001-2005